Dịch vụ

Minimum requirements for sponsors you may not be aware of???

Age: Sponsors must be at least 18 years old.

Canadian Citizenship, Permanent Resident Status, or Registered First Nation/Registered Indian Status:

Please note that the term “Indian” is used here for legal purposes, even though many native people in Canada prefer not to be referred to as “Red Indians” and consider this term to have colonial and racial connotations. According to the Indian Act, the precise legal meaning of the term “Indian” is used to describe those who belong to the First Nations and have the right to be registered.

“Undertaking” to Provide Basic Necessities: Sponsors are required to sign an “undertaking” to provide for the essential needs of the sponsored individuals. This implies that the sponsored individuals will not be eligible for social assistance (welfare). If they do receive social assistance, the sponsor will have to reimburse that amount. Details about the timeframe for each sponsored person will be analyzed in a subsequent article.

Signing an Agreement with the Sponsored Person

Meeting the Low Income Cut Off (LICO) within the Most Recent 12 Months.This requirement is waived in the following cases:

  • Sponsoring a dependent child with no children of their own.
  • Sponsoring an adopted child under 18 years of age.
  • Sponsoring a spouse or partner with no dependent children, or dependent children with no children of their own.

For the Grandparents/Parents Sponsorship Program: You need to meet the Low Income Cut Off (LICO) +30% for the most recent 3 taxation years, with only Canadian income being recognized.

SICON-CSI VN always keeps you updated with the latest information and “pro tips” to streamline your immigration process to Canada.