Dịch vụ

Have you received your Canada Carbon Rebate for 2024?

If you live in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, or any of the four Atlantic provinces, you will receive the first of four payments if you filed their 2023 taxes by March 15.


How much will you receive?

The amount you receive is based on the size of your household.

A family of four could receive anywhere from $190 (New Brunswick) to $450 (Alberta).


How to check if you’re eligible:

Use Ottawa’s online estimator: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-carbon-rebate/how-much.html 


How will you receive your payment?

– Direct deposit into your bank account.

– The deposit will be labeled with one of the following:

+ EFT deposit from Canada

+ EFT Credit Canada

+ CDACarbonRebate

+ Canada CCR/RCC

+ Carbone RemiseCA (French)

+ Dépôt direct/Remise canadienne sur carbone (French)